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Complete Wellness

Help your body heal!

  • 4 hours
  • 550 US dollars
  • Virtual

Service Description

Are you struggling with a health issue or chronic disease? Then this program is perfect for you. It will help you develop healthy habits that will nourish your body and teach you how to make lifestyle changes that will give your body the tools it needs to heal! The program includes: ✓ Session 1: Assessment (60 minutes) During this initial consultation, your health goals, medical history, diet, symptoms, and lifestyle will be assessed. The first consultation is purely informational gathering. This session will shed light on the root cause of your health issues to create the best nutritional protocol for your needs. ✓Session 2: Education (60 minutes) - one week after session 1 This is an educational session. I believe that knowledge is power, and when we understand better how our bodies work, how the digestive process works, why the food we eat matters so much, how the impact of the environment and stress can wreak havoc on our health, and how with our daily choices we have the power to bring balance to our bodies once again, we are empowered to make the necessary changes. During this session, we will talk about the digestive system, the microbiome, the relationship between the gut and the brain, the immune system, the process of inflammation, toxins in our environment and what to do about them, detoxification, the impact of the environment on our health, nutritional deficiencies, nutrition, the use of food as medicine and lifestyle changes for a healthier life. A week after the second session you will receive: ✓ A 21-day meal plan custom-tailored to your needs ✓ Grocery list ✓ Recipes ✓ Client package containing valuable information, lifestyle guides, and tips ✓Session 3: Nutritional & lifestyle program review (60 minutes) - 10 days after session 2 This session is geared towards thoroughly discussing your personalized nutritional and lifestyle program. ✓ Session 4: Follow up (30 minutes) - 2 weeks after session 3 A check-in to discuss and tweak the meal plan, address challenges, make more considerable adjustments if needed, as well as to answer any questions. ✓ Session 5: Follow up (30 minutes) - 2 weeks after session 4 Last session, to check on your progress and do any adjustments if needed.

Cancellation Policy

Late Cancellation Policy - I ask that you provide me with at least 24 hours' notice of cancellation for any appointments. There will be no refunds for any appointments that are missed without notice or canceled less than 24 hours prior. Thank you for your support and I look forward to working with you!

Contact Details

Hilo, HI, USA

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