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“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food"
                          - Hippocrates


Meet Ingrid

Hi! I am a Therapeutic Chef, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and Certified GAPS Coach. I use food as medicine to bring balance to mind and body. I use this powerful tool in my own healing  journey, and to help and inspire others to be their own health advocates. Click the button below to learn about my story!


What is Holistic Nutrition?

Nutrition is a fundamental aspect of health. Understanding that what we eat, how we digest, and what we absorb and excrete has a tremendous impact on our bodies and wellbeing. It is a powerful tool to help us remain healthy or bring balance to our bodies once a dis-ease has already manifested.  


Holistic nutrition not only focuses on how diet affects the body but also understands that health is an expression of the complex relationship between the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental aspects of our life. Holistic nutrition approaches health and healing from a whole person perspective, working with each patient as a unique individual.


My main goal as a holistic nutritionist and health advocate is to educate and advise individuals on supporting their bodies through proper nutrition, lifestyle, and self-care. This holistic approach can help you live a healthier lifestyle and make you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Holistic nutrition can help patients manage a wide range of conditions including, but not limited to:


  • Autism spectrum disorders

  • Developmental disorders

  • Emotional disorders

  • Digestive disorders

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Diabetes

  • Mast cell activation disorder

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Chronic pain conditions


Holistic Nutrition Coaching


Astrid Shields, University Proffesor
Ellensburg, WA

Ingrid was very helpful to my family and me. She is passionate about what she does, and that transpires in the dedication she provides to her customers. We have two kids, one is three years old, and the other is eight months old, and both of us work, so we do not have much time to prepare food. Following Ingrid's advice, we can prepare healthy and delicious meals that are easy to make. Also, we have a better approach to nutrition, balanced meals, and the microbiome's importance. 



Gabriel Kauper, Market Researcher
Hilo, HI

The nutritional protocol that Ingrid created for me is transforming my life from a grouchy cat to a happy cat. I had already cut a bunch of crap that I knew was bad, but I was eating "healthier foods"  like legumes (lectins), 

that inflamed my gut. When I cut those and increased my gut healing goodies, and stayed consistent, my mood became so much more clear and calm. I am also more regular, sleeping better, and just feeling so much better in general. Ingrid loves science so she explains how and what damages/irritates your gut, and what rebalances it. I fully recommend her to anyone looking to feel their best self. It is possible and she is a great ally: cheerful, knowledgeable and she walks to talk. 


Mabel Castro, Marketing Manager
Oakland, CA

I am so grateful to Ingrid for her guidance and support in my journey of building healthier eating habits. She is highly knowledgeable and cared deeply about my needs. I was able to make practical changes for me and my family.


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Sabrina Vega, Health Coach 
San Francisco, CA

Ingrid helped me to discover the things that were not helping my digestive issues. Her patience and knowledge helped me learn how to eat in a way that works for my body. I appreciate all the love she puts into what she does and how deeply connected she is with the subject. She can relate to your story because of her own health journey, and that makes the process easier. She also empathizes with how you are feeling and knows how to help you feel better.
I highly recommend working with her if you are looking to improve your health. You will learn how to eat in a way that is good for you and connect with your body in a deeper way.


Madeleine Durham, Artist
Santa Fe, NM

When I first met Ingrid I had just been diagnosed with a fatty liver which was causing excruciating jabbing pains.  Ingrid put together a regime for me that incorporated supportive foods, nutrients, and herbal tonics.  She gave me guidelines for when to eat which foods, and at what intervals, so that my food combining was optimal.  I was amazed at how quickly my condition resolved, and I lost 30 pounds without ever feeling hungry! I have more energy.  I look years younger.  I no longer look tired.  I feel full of vitality.  My sugar cravings are gone.  And the added bonus that is the icing on the cake?  The arthritis in my hands is no longer painful and I can play the piano again!  I feel that Ingrid is my Angel as she has helped bring back the one thing in the world that brings me the most joy, my piano!  I call Ingrid any time I have a health concern and she always knows exactly the right thing for my body.  I consider her knowledge a great gift that I have been blessed to receive in my life. 


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Image by Henry Be

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This website provides general information and discussions about health and health-related subjects. The information and other content provided in the blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read in this blog or in any linked materials.

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